New York-based artist CJ Nye grew up surrounded by photography and traditional arts of the world brought home by her mother, Susan McCartney, who, having studied under Richard Avedon, Walter Rosenblum, and Alexey Brodovitch, traveled widely for such clients as British Airways, Time, Glamour, The Economist, Caravan, and Travel and Leisure. Equally influential, Caroline’s father, Albert Nye, once assistant to William Helburn, was a superb amateur and master of the black and white print. CJ found her own medium at eleven years old when given oil paints for the first time in school. Instructed to paint a landscape, she gloried in the saturated buttery colors and created a lush biomorphic spatially ambiguous abstraction. Reprimanded, she defended her work. Her fate was sealed.

Susan McCartney, Caroline on Swing, 1978